Givat Zeev
Givat Zeev is drawing quite a lot of attention nowadays, especially thanks to the successful launch of the Ramat Givat Zeev. Ramat Givat Zeev is a brand new community built from the ground up, literally. It was marketed 100% to Americans making Aliyah.
But there is a lot more to Givat Zeev than Ramat Givat Zeev. Givat Zeev consists of 5 neighborhoods. Before there was Ramat GIvat Zeev there was a hugely successful launch of an Israel Chareidi neighborhood on the opposite hill called Givat Zeev HaChadasha, which has now become known as Agan HaAyalot.
Old Givat Zeev according to many is still the nicest and quietist neighborhood with tree lined streets and plenty of one family villas. Old Givat Zeev is the home of the Stoliner Rebbe.
Givat Zeev quite close to Yerushalayim being a hop skip and a jump from Ramot the Northernmost neighborhood in Yerushalayim. Although it is only about 6 minutes from Ramot, this is the entrance to Givat Zeev with Ramat Givat Zeev and Gan HaAyalot being another 5-6 minutes from the entrance of the city. Also keep in mind that Ramot is not the center of town.
Latest Listings in Givat Zeev
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